lunedì 9 aprile 2007

Come applicare la giusta pressione sui punti sensibili

Come praticare la giusta pressione sui punti sensibili
clipped from
How to Apply Pressure
click to enlarge the picture--a 57K image- take a while to download

Firm pressure is the most fundamental technique. Use
thumbs, fingers, palms, the side of the hand, or knuckles
to apply steady, stationary pressure
To relax an
area or relieve pain, apply pressure gradually and
hold without any movement for several minutes at a
gradual, steady, penetrating pressure
for approximately three minutes is ideal
the pressure should be firm enough
so that it hurts a little
you feel extreme sensitivity or pain, gradually decrease
the pressure until you find a balance between pain
and pleasure
Do not continue to press a point that
is excruciatingly painful. Usually, however, if you
firmly hold the point long enough (up to 2 minutes
using the middle finger with your index and ring fingers
on either side as support), the pain will diminish

It's important to drink plenty of warm water after
the massage, to help clear away toxic substances
our body
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