mercoledì 16 maggio 2007

Ramtha e la Trama blu Universale

clipped from

In a teaching by Ramtha from 1995, ten years before the scientific discovery was announced, Ramtha describes the blue grid the following way:

"Remember, we think of the quantum field like shimmering blue webs. But the connection that you have with everyone — everyone, everyone across this room, behind us, with me, with you, the connection with that which is termed the night wind and the golden fog — we are all linked up through this web-work that is in what is called appropriately the vacuum [space]."

"And if we had the eyes to see that the entire earth, nature itself, has a Blue Body®, that when we are able to see it we will see that trees have shimmering blue webs to other trees and even to birds that fly over. They are connected to the tree. The tree is connected to the ground. The ground is connected to the toad. The flower is connected to the wind. Everything is all interconnected in the blue web-work, this beautiful celestial realm. And it is happening all around you." — Ramtha

The team of scientists further confirmed that "UV polarized light has been shown to be the best celestial cue for diurnal animals under partly cloudy conditions (while blue receptors are best at dawn and dusk), which is consistent with monarchs' completely diurnal flight behavior and their tendency to cluster at dusk." (Journal Neuron, Volume 46)

Nota bene: Il Corpo Blu, come viene definito da Ramtha, è guarda caso dello stesso colore già identificato da Wilhelm Reich, uno dei padri della bionergetica, come il colore che viene emanato dal bione, la più piccola cellula di energia eterico o orgonica, come la defì lui stesso. Particella di energia che si trova in tutti gli organismi viventi e nella stessa energia ambientale.

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